Hello, Good People!
I’m CB. Welcome.

Do these describe what you want in your life?
Joyfully creative
You want to live your life in such a way that you leave the world better and more whole than when you arrived.
No shame, yes love
You want your next move forward as a leader, friend, partner, or parent to be centered in love and possibility.
Forward movement
You know that bending the moral and material arc of the universe is an ongoing life practice.

Imagine the future we all deserve
You want to make a Brave Next Move, a Heroic Leaning-In as a justice maker who reflects, works, and is willing to change yourself in order to change the world.
All of us means all of us
You hunger to take meaningful actions for radical inclusivity and anti-oppression that have achievable outcomes of equity, justice, and ultimately,
liberation for all.
Nuance and complexity welcome
You wrestle with the ways you experience privilege, marginalization, and oppression in society as a complex interplay that both creates and removes obstacles to growth.
If the above describes you, keep reading to explore
how I can meet you at your growth points
Interactive Workshops, Presentations,
Talks, Sermons, Storytelling and Consulting.
- Serving schools, service providing agencies, and congregations.
- Joining you online, in person or multi-platform.
- Using interactive, multi-media, and many learning modalities.

Talks, Storytelling, Sermons/Services
- Bear Witness: Save Lives
- Preemptive Radical Inclusion
- Pathfinder or Whack-A-Mole?
- A Whole, Healing, and Broken People*
- *quote from Paloma Callo
- Don’t Believe Everything You Think (and try, try again)
- Love’s Hands in Difficult Times
- The Call is Coming From Inside the House
Small sampling of workshops
- Bear Witness/Don’t Believe Everything You Think
- GLBTQAI+ Gender Education and Justice
- Constellations of Gender: Including Yours!
- Preemptive Radical Inclusion
- Safer youth Serving Orgs and Congregations: Consistent and Predictable Boundaries
- Mind Your T’s and Q’s: Radical Inclusion of GLBTQ+ folk.
- Is it really Fascism? Beloved Community under threat. A skills building workshop
- Clean Air as Disability Justice
A more comprehensive list of work I have done and continue is here.

Equity. Justice. Consent. Identity. Bodily Autonomy. Social Structures. Healthy, Embodied Sexuality. Institutional and Personal Power.
All of us means all of us.
No one is only one thing. Preemptive Radical Inclusion requires us to notice and slow down our reactions in order to pick up our responsibility to make healthy change starting right now.
CB Beal. M.Div. they/them/theirs
Watch, Read, Listen
(Alas, I was updating my site, and now the blog feed is mad at me. please find it at this link.)
This website is under development. It’s always a draft!
WordPress is always updating, and well ….. I’m working on it…..
Please check back, or reach out if you have questions that aren’t answered here.
More information and links for screen readers below:
Preemptive Radical Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Training and Development
Group Development for All Teams
Sexuality and Consent Education for All Bodies
Look through the site using the drop-down menu at the top of this page, links above, or from the detailed menu on the right of this page to learn more, or contact me now set up a free Zoom conversation. It will be helpful if you spend some time before reaching out clarifying what you think your challenge is, and what type of support you are seeking.